CALCULATORS - for Pond Stocking
On this page you can play with pond stocking numbers and fish selection and get an idea of price. You can stock at low numbers, just keep the ratios listed per acre or part of an acre. A Football Field is about one acre if that helps you size your pond.
To Calculate A Bass Pond
Use this Calculator to total up a Bass Pond, or to restock it with the fish you need.
NOT ALL FISH SPECIES are available at each Fish Day, but we come Spring, Summer and Fall and offer them all at one or more of the Fish Days. Call to see what is coming to a Fish Day near you at 256-878-4111.
Here are conservative stocking options and fish selection for a first time Bass Pond Stocking. You can stock lower, just keep the ratios. For example, 500 Bluegill + 500 Minnows + 50 Bass.
STOCK FIRST and allow 2-4 months of spawning time before adding Bass fingerlings:
1000 Bluegill to the acre (Coppernose or Native).
1000 to 3000 Fathead Minnows to the acre.
100 to 300 Shellcracker/Redear Sunfish to the acre.
STOCK IN 3 to 12 months (do NOT put adult Bass or Crappie in your pond):
100 Largemouth Bass to the acre.
50 to 100 Hybrid Crappie to the acre (not reproducing). Reduce Bass by your Crappie number.
To Calculate A Catfish Pond
Use this Calculator to total up a Catfish Pond, or to restock it with the fish you need.
50 to 300 Channel Catfish to the acre (if you have an Automatic Feeder and are raising them to harvest you can increase to 500 to the acre).
500 to 2000 Fathead Minnows to the acre.
Catfish should be fished out by the time they 2 lbs if possible (usually 2 years after stocking). If there are no other fish in the pond (except Minnows) they can reproduce with the right structure. A 55 gallon drum set on it’s side about 3 feet down will facilitate spawning.
To Calculate A Mixed Pond
You can create a nice Family Fishing Pond with very low harvesting required as follows.
50 to 100 Channel Catfish to the acre.
50 to 500 Specklebelly Hybrid Bream (Sunfish) to the acre.
50 Shellcracker/Redear Sunfish to the acre.
1000 Fathead Minnows to the acre.
You can use these Calculators to total the cost to stock different types of ponds (like Bass, Catfish or mixed ponds). The total will not include sales tax, but this can give you an idea of the cost. Have fun playing with the options, but remember the ratios!
Ponds can support only so many pounds of fish per acre, and those fish should be in certain ratios so that they feed and keep each other in check. There are general notes under each type of pond to help you.
These prices and the fish selection are subject to change but we try to keep them current.
To take it to the next step and reserve fish for pick up at a Fish Day, please use the ORDERING page or call the Office at 256-878-4111. You must reserve your fish by the week before the Fish Day and send your Cell Number for the Reminder Text.
If you want a Direct Delivery to your pond or lake, that requires a minimum fish order plus sales tax and a delivery fee based on mileage one way to your pond. Call the Office to ask about a Quote for a Direct Delivery at 256-878-4111.