Reserve your Summer fish using the Form below. Call the Office for assistance at 256-878-4111.
Spring FISH DAY Reservation Form
The Order Form below will let you reserve your fish for pick up at a Feed Store or a CO-OP that we serve in AL, MS and GA for the current Fish Day Event.
You can see all of the location choices for Pond Stocking Fish Day events on our MAP of STORES in the Menu Bar above. You pay when you pick up using cash, check, charge or debit card.
We will send you a Reminder Text the day before the Fish Day using the Cell number or Landline that you give us. If you need a phone call instead of a Text please tell us that in the Notes Section at the bottom of the Form.
You don’t have to use this online Form, you can call the Office at 256-878-4111 and tell us what you want to reserve. We will take your reservation and tell you the information that you need to know.
– You can only order the fish shown on the Flyer for the Fish Day. Call the Office to discuss other fish.
– Crappie and Mosquitofish Minnows are available in the Fall.
– Bass are available on our June Bass Sale, and after Thanksgiving on our Large Fish Sale. You can see a list of what we bring by Season at the bottom of this page.
– Tilapia are available in July. Call the Office at 256-878-4111 to be added to the List, so that you get notified when we are taking orders for them. This is due to the limited supply.
You can CONTACT us using the CONTACT page above or call the Office at 256-878-4111. We are here to serve you.

Please enter your information and what you want to reserve, then press SEND.
You pay when you pick up using cash, check, charge or debit card.
If you want to reserve 12 fish (our Pick 12 for $20) please tell us that in the Note section at the bottom. Pick 12 does not apply to Carp or Koi.
How Many Fish To Stock Per Acre
You can cut these stocking numbers in half or down to 1/4, just keep the ratios (like 500 Bluegill for each 50 Bass (Half), or 25O Bluegill for each 25 Bass (1/4).
An acre is about the size of a Football Field, if you are not sure how to guess the size of your pond. If you need an accurate sizing, call our Office and ask for this service. We can use a Satellite Program to measure your pond/lake if it has an address near it.
You can call the Office to ask about stocking information. It’s a free service that we provide to thank our customers for their business. We appreciate our customers and try to show it.
If you are stocking for the first time, you want your fish to grow up together in a ratio that provides a food supply to the fish and for future harvesting for you. We urge you not to allow anyone to put adult fish in your pond. They will over-spawn it and eat your small breeding fish.
If your new pond is raw dirt with muddy water you should help the silt settle or wait until it does to add fish. Fish have a hard time finding food in muddy water.
The numbers below are per acre – for a first time pond stocking – in a pond with insects, frogs and green growth, not a raw dirt pond:
1000 Bluegill (Coppernose or Native)
1000 to 3000 Fathead Minnows
50 to 300 Shellcracker
THE SECOND STOCKING 3-4 MONTHS LATER (after feeder fish have spawned):
100 Largemouth Bass (Northern, Florida, F1 Hybrid or combo)
500 to 2000 Fathead Minnows
50 to 100 Hybrid Crappie
(NOTE: We do not recommend Black or White reproducing Crappie in a Family Pond). If you want reproducing Crappie in a Bass pond you should research the ratios and plan to actively manage your pond. If Crappie over-populate your pond, all you can do is drain the pond to get them under control.
Per Acre – First time pond stocking in a pond with insects, frogs and green growth, not a raw dirt pond:
50 to 300 Channel Catfish (you can stock up to 500 if you have an Automatic Feeder)
1000 to 3000 Fathead Minnows
50 to 100 Shellcracker (optional for variety)
50 to 500 Specklebelly Hybrid Bream (they don’t reproduce, they just get big – optional for variety)
Per Acre – First time pond stocking in a pond with insects, frogs and green growth, not a raw dirt pond:
50 to 300 Channel Catfish (you can stock up to 500 if you have an Automatic Feeder)
1000 to 3000 Fathead Minnows
50 to 100 Specklebelly Hybrid Bream (they don’t reproduce successfully or need Bass to keep them in check – they just get big)

UPCOMING EVENT FLYERS... Call to order and pay at 256-878-4111